Genius is the ability to crystallize complicated concepts into simple action. Go Slow to Grow Fast delivers this in spades.
Professor Philip T. Powell
Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Daniel C. Smith Faculty Fellow, Indiana University Kelley School of Business
This book defines what every business will experience no matter what product/service or age of the organization. When broken down, Brent’s insight is common sense, yet not common practice. With applicable takeaways and questions throughout the book, Go Slow to Grow Fast will help you spend more time in the ‘Driving Zone’ for your business.
Aaron Prickel
President of Lushin, Inc.
Go Slow to Grow Fast is an essential resource for CEOs and executive leader-ship teams of fast-growth firms. It helps them realize what it really takes to move through or avoid the dangerous Drama Zone. By understanding Brent’s model, the leadership team I coach can discover better plans to address their blind spots and the disruptions that are sure to come.
Dr. Craig Overmyer
Co-founder of Cultures That Work
Go Slow to Grow Fast is an extremely insightful and informative book for all business owners, entrepreneurs, and chief executive management personnel who want to develop a deeper understanding of their own businesses and how to bring in greater revenue. The book reflects the wealth of wisdom and experience from the author. Reading the book feels like having a highly qualified mentor guiding you and clarifying all your doubts and queries, and also providing sound advice on which steps to take next. You not only have a mentor who is well-educated, he also has a proven track record of success and decades of experience to guide and advise you. In a time where more and more people are interested in entrepreneurship and starting their own businesses, this book proves to be a highly useful guide. There are so many get-rich-quick schemes all over the Internet, but true wealth and success in growing a business require much wisdom and patience. Indeed, one needs to learn to slow down, take a step back to analyze one's situation in depth, before striving farther.
Faith Lee
Brent Tilson has crafted a must read for business owners and entrepreneurial spirits that need to get grounded with some helpful advice for navigating the choppy waters of business growth. Go Slow to Grow Fast is an informative, hands-on look at some of the challenges many businesses face in a period popularly called the S-Curve, which often comprises a number of problems that often necessitate some growing pains. Told through an engaging narrative of fictional characters and punctuated by informative hands-on work for reader involvement (which facilitates content retention), Tilson provides great advice on how to successfully grow your business and bring it through the challenges often associated with expansion. Great read, and written in a fun, dialogue-based style much like Who Moved My Cheese (Spencer Johnson). If you like books that reframe your preservative on money matters (sort of like Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki), this book will give you done great good for thought.
Charles Hanna
Go Slow To Grow Fast: How to Keep Your Company Driving And Thriving In A Fast-Paced, Competitive Business World by author Brent Tilson is an enjoyable way to learn practical strategies to help your business succeed. Tilson utilizes his own years of business experience, and related wisdom from a variety of sources to provide useful information to his readers. By telling the tale of real characters, in the form of a fable, Tilson helps us understand how their situation relates to our own, and how we can learn from their experience. From the first day your business opens, through the ups and downs, right up to the moment that you can officially consider your business a thriving success - Tilson offers beneficial tips and ideas that can make that path easier and help you get there faster. A must read for entrepreneurs and business professionals.
Catherine Grainger
Brent's book would be a required text if I was still teaching in an MBA Program, but it should be read by any student of management and leadership. Most management "fable" books focus too much on the fable and too little on the principles - - - not the case with Go Slow to Grow Fast.
Dr. Matthew Chodkowski
Founding Director of The Institute for Postindustrial Leadership at the University of Indianapolis